Eye Banking
An Eye Bank is an organization which deals with the collection, storage and distribution of cornea for the purpose of corneal grafting, research and supply of eye tissues for other ophthalmic purpose. It is governed by a Board of Directors or Trustees constituted by community representatives. Corneal blindness is a major cause of visual impairment in developing countries like India. The commonest cause of corneal blindness is infection, poverty leading to malnutrition and vitamin A deficiency makes the situation even worse. A high percentage of such cases can be visually rehabilitated by corneal transplantation.
1. Collection
Our country has more than 200 eye banks in different states. Ours is one the active eye bank which concentrate the procurement in three different ways.

We have phone numbers working 24x7, so that the relatives of the dead person can immediately contact the eye bank and donation can be made in shortest possible time.
Social organization like Lions club, Rotary club, Red Cross etc. have been a great help in promoting eye donation programmes. The volunteers approach the relatives of diseased and request them to allow removal of eyes.
Hospital Corneal Retrieval Programme (HCRP)
It’s a programme introduced by government which links eye banks to hospitals having high death rates. An Eye Donation Counsellor is appointed in each HCRP Centre who screens the Medical Records of the patient and if suitable, they approach the relatives for consent.
2.Storage and Evaluation
Corneas/Eyes are stored in 2 to 8 degree Celsius in refrigerator. We use different mediums to store corneas.
1. Modified McCarey – Kaufman in which cornea can be stored for 4 days.
2. Cornisol Medium in which cornea can be stored for 14 days.
3. Optisol Medium in which cornea can be stored for 14 days.
4. Moist Chamber in which whole globe can be preserved for 48 hours.

1. Serology: The blood sample drawn from the body of the deceased is sent for serological tests to rule out HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Syphilis.
2. Specular Microscopy: This is performed to determine the viability and the amount of endothelial cells.
3. Slit Lamp examination: The medical director/cornea surgeon evaluates and grades the cornea for any evidence of infection, trauma and any contraindication for keratoplasty.

Our eye bank follows the protocol of fair and equitable distribution without regard to sex, religion, race, creed, color or national origin.

4.Awareness Programmes